Even the most sophisticated website requires reliable hosting to operate tip-top. Do you know that 70% of websites around the world are hosted on Ubuntu servers? Since its inception in 1992. OS Linux and particularly Ubuntu was recognized as the #1 host for a website. That’s true due to the following reasons:

  • High reliability,
  • The exceptional stability of operation,
  • High performance and effectiveness.

All of that makes Ubuntu terminals the best choice for websites, especially in the business segment.  

Host Your Website on Ubuntu Server

Some Facts in Favor of Choosing Ubuntu Servers for Hosting Your Website

  • Linux's terminals' number is twice higher than Windows-based servers' number.
  • All big fishes in web hosting are working with Ubuntu servers to provide web hosting services.
  • Ubuntu is cost-effective due to its open-source nature, yet reliable and effective.
  • Ubuntu terminals are a perfect match for numerous ecosystems including Perl, MySQL, Python, PHP, and Ruby.

Getting Ubuntu Hosting Services for Your Website by DigiSpace

  • We host our client’s websites on Ubuntu terminals of the most reliable hosting providers including real top-rated ones like Digitalocean, AWS and others.  
  • We thoroughly select the best option for each customer by evaluating specific features, technologies, performance rates, and operational peculiarities of a website we help to host on Ubuntu.
  • It’s easy to manage Ubuntu servers due to console-typed control. You can use the command Linux terminal to provide lots of processes and manage your website’s operation on the server side with ease.

Do you want to maintain your website’s highest operation? Let’s do this by hosting it on Ubuntu terminals!
Just apply for DigiSpace’s pros consultation and help to decide which hosting provider and website hosting plan will meet your needs the most! You are welcome to use our chatbot to order website hosting services on a Linux terminal in DigiSpace.